Mac sleep command terminal
Mac sleep command terminal

If you have any favorites that didn’t make the list, feel free to share them in the comments below. The Mac Terminal commands above aren’t exhaustive by any means, but they should provide lots of use cases as you keep using your Mac. Your Mac will now shut down at the time you specified.

mac sleep command terminal

Press enter and type your password when prompted. Youve always been able to prevent your Mac from sleeping using the pmset noidle command or a hot corner, but with modern versions of OS X, Apple has bundled a.

mac sleep command terminal

If you want it to shut down in an hour, type +60. If you want to do so immediately, type now.

$ defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE killall SystemUIServerĭefaults write showhidden -bool TRUE killall Dockĭefaults write persistent-apps -array-add ‘’ killall Dockĭefaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true open /System/Library/CoreServices/ To shut down your Mac, type the following command: sudo shutdown -h